Keep checking Dell for Quamputers.

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Yes, I know I write about this all of the time, but this is like landing on the moon.  It’s close enough that we can almost touch it, and when it happens, the trickle-down will change everything.  OK, so maybe we won’t get Tang out of it like we did from NASA, but it’s going to make my Apple seem like an abacus.

Hamish Johnson, editor of writes that an international team of physicists is the first to implement in the lab an important “error correction” technique that could play a vital role in the development of practical quantum computers. Known as topological error correction (TEC), the technique is based on “clusters” that each contain eight highly entangled photons. These clusters are useful for this purpose because a measurement on one photon does not destroy the entire entangled state.

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Andy Edwards
Associate Creative Director at bloomfield knoble