And you thought you’d never use physics . . .

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This story is blowing up all over the interwebs, but just in case you aren’t surfing the “math” section of Google news, here’s what happened (from Katie Scott writing in Wired UK):

“A physicist faced with a fine for running a stop sign has proved his innocence by publishing a mathematical paper, and has even won a prize for his efforts.

Dmitri Krioukov is a physicist based at the University of California in San Diego. When faced with a court hearing over allegedly driving through a stop sign, he put together a paper called The Proof of Innocence, which he has since published. The abstract for the paper reads: “A way to fight your traffic tickets.” The paper was awarded a special prize of $400 that the author did not have to pay to the state of California.

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Andy Edwards
Associate Creative Director at bloomfield knoble