Protect yourself from mayhem . . . like GPS.

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I love the Allstate commercials with mayhem.  One of the best is when mayhem is the GPS and sends the driver into an accident.  It’s a funny commercial, but it turns out that it’s true.  Emily Sohn writes in Discovery News about how people have essentially given up common sense and are now relying only on technology.  I love technology, but it can’t replace the brain.  I mean, seriously?  Check out her article:

Getting lost in the wilderness can be terrifying, even tragic. It can also be perplexing, as with a recent case in a remote area of Nevada.

A little over a week ago, a woman was rescued on the verge of death after being stranded for nearly two months on muddy back roads in the northeastern part of the state. Her husband, who walked off looking for help, is still missing. The most baffling part of the story: The couple had a GPS device. And they were following its directions when they got lost.

It’s not the first time that blind faith in a GPS has led people astray and into big trouble. And given the growing influence of computer technology on our lives, experts say, it’s not that surprising. As we become ever more reliant on digital devices, the relationship between humankind and the wilderness is rapidly shifting.

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Andy Edwards
Associate Creative Director at bloomfield knoble