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I am a big believer in communication. I’m not writing about marketing/advertising when I make this first reference. I am writing about in life, in general, in everything. Too often, too much is left unsaid. Or, like a young

child afraid to ask questions in front of peers, we leave too much un-asked. The point is, we all do too much guesswork. Bottom line, if you have a question, ask it. If you have something to say, say it. Otherwise, you are just frustrated.
For myself, romantic movies could all be easily cut to one-quarter length of screened run time. In most cases, the actor playing the romantic fool often is afraid to ask for or share his feelings. It goes something like this: “I . . . I . . . I just don’t know what to say to her.” Gag. The actress playing the pursued role is always just waiting to see “who he really is inside. . . he just can’t show it.” (Double gag) I just want to scream in the first 15 minutes, “Tell each other how you feel and what you want and let’s get this thing over with.” Can you tell I like Comedies, historical and sci-f