bk Opinions

It’s a Meme World Out There

Buzz has it right, memes are everywhere. I go on Facebook and what’s the first thing I see on my timeline? A meme. I open up Instagram and the first three posts in my feed are memes. (I say that like I don’t enjoy it – but I actually do.) In fact, it seems like

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bk Life

Just How Loud Do You Have to Scream to Be Heard on Twitter?

I’ve decided that I hate social media. I’ve joined neither Facebook nor Snap. I am on Instagram, but only to share vacation pictures with my family because I’m too lazy to sort and share photos with them after my trips. I gave up on LinkedIn because I find the timeline poorly designed and I’m not

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Business Strategy & Planning

SMEs Are People First, and They Need You to Be Prepared

They’re knowledgeable, but cryptic. They’re busy, but necessary. Of course, I’m talking about subject matter experts. Chances are that if you’re a writer, researcher or on a content-based project, you’re working with one or more of these brilliant professionals, or SMEs. Communication can often seem difficult, or downright impossible. Sometimes it IS their personality, but sometimes it’s you… and

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bk Life

Product Placement Impacts You — Even When You’re Aware of It

Alternate title: How product placement can affect everyday decision-making — more specifically, how even I, a self-aware, independent individual [accidentally] fell for a fictitious character’s recommendation after re-watching the 1995 rom-com Clueless, and thereby proving that product placement can be more than just a joke. In the world of American entertainment, we are no strangers to

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