bk Opinions

Dr. Techlove, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Podcasts

I don’t care who you are, podcasts are pretty dope. You may not have been a listener or even aware of podcasts prior to the pandemic, but chances are now you’re fully aware and even a subscriber to the plethora of podcast choices today. They’ll suck you in faster than an episode of Succession on a sick

Dr. Techlove, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Podcasts Read More »

Product Placement Impacts You — Even When You’re Aware of It

Alternate title: How product placement can affect everyday decision-making — more specifically, how even I, a self-aware, independent individual [accidentally] fell for a fictitious character’s recommendation after re-watching the 1995 rom-com Clueless, and thereby proving that product placement can be more than just a joke. In the world of American entertainment, we are no strangers to

Product Placement Impacts You — Even When You’re Aware of It Read More »

America Loves a Hero with a Familiar Face, Even in the Zombie Apocalypse

The Walking Dead may not survive upcoming major cast changes, and I’m worried that this is the end. Such as in the recently cancelled Once Upon a Time, an adult Disney adventure drama, and Scrubs, a comedy drama set in the everyday world of doctors, some characters become too entwined in the story for tv viewers

America Loves a Hero with a Familiar Face, Even in the Zombie Apocalypse Read More »