
Unleashing the Power of Photo Artificial Intelligence

With the growing popularity of advanced artificial intelligence (AI), you’d be hard-pressed to find a process that can’t be automated. These automated technologies can write for us, chat with us, bank for us, and even drive us around. So, why can’t they also assist us in creative processes? In the ever-evolving marketing and advertising landscape, […]

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Dr. Techlove, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Podcasts

I don’t care who you are, podcasts are pretty dope. You may not have been a listener or even aware of podcasts prior to the pandemic, but chances are now you’re fully aware and even a subscriber to the plethora of podcast choices today. They’ll suck you in faster than an episode of Succession on a sick

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Just How Loud Do You Have to Scream to Be Heard on Twitter?

I’ve decided that I hate social media. I’ve joined neither Facebook nor Snap. I am on Instagram, but only to share vacation pictures with my family because I’m too lazy to sort and share photos with them after my trips. I gave up on LinkedIn because I find the timeline poorly designed and I’m not

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Product Placement Impacts You — Even When You’re Aware of It

Alternate title: How product placement can affect everyday decision-making — more specifically, how even I, a self-aware, independent individual [accidentally] fell for a fictitious character’s recommendation after re-watching the 1995 rom-com Clueless, and thereby proving that product placement can be more than just a joke. In the world of American entertainment, we are no strangers to

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True Artificial Intelligence Closer to Reality

I, for one, welcome our new computer overlord. I’ve seen enough movies to know that an Artificial Intelligence will rule the planet some day. While these usually end up going pretty poorly for humans (The Matrix, Terminator), I’m hoping that a pro-AI article (most likely being read by the AI) will allow me a position

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