Social Media

Just How Loud Do You Have to Scream to Be Heard on Twitter?

I’ve decided that I hate social media. I’ve joined neither Facebook nor Snap. I am on Instagram, but only to share vacation pictures with my family because I’m too lazy to sort and share photos with them after my trips. I gave up on LinkedIn because I find the timeline poorly designed and I’m not

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Taking the ‘Insta’ Out of Instagram

Instagram’s not so “instant” any more. Soon, if not already, your Instagram newsfeed will become scrambled – out of chronological order – based on your interactions on the photo-sharing platform. As announced in March, starting soon, the posts you see will be determined by Instagram’s new algorithm, which takes into account which users you’ve Liked, Shared or Commented

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About Snapchat – It’s Not Just Sexting Anymore

At this point, who hasn’t heard of Snapchat? The popular photo-sharing app has become so ubiquitous that it can even advertise itself without saying a word. If you’re over 30, while you’ve heard of it, you probably don’t completely understand it. I’m over 30 too, and I don’t blame you. If you’ve tried to use

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The bk ‘We Care’ Campaign Launches for 2016

I know, I know. The year just ended and you were barraged with social media messages about holiday charitable support from seemingly every company in the U.S. Holiday charitable support now seems as ubiquitous to the holiday season as “Holiday Sales Events” (kill me). At that time of year we, bloomfield knoble (bk), may appear to

The bk ‘We Care’ Campaign Launches for 2016 Read More »

Answer Twitter Questions Without Getting 'Jamesed'

You may have seen that renowned and respected widely derided and somewhat filthy author E.L. James (Fifty Shades of Grey) held a Twitter Q&A for some reason yesterday. It unexpectedly (?) didn’t go well. Users pounced, using the hashtag #AskELJames to ask pointed questions about her lack of writing skill, the misogynistic and sexually unhealthy themes in

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Answer Twitter Questions Without Getting ‘Jamesed’

You may have seen that renowned and respected widely derided and somewhat filthy author E.L. James (Fifty Shades of Grey) held a Twitter Q&A for some reason yesterday. It unexpectedly (?) didn’t go well. Users pounced, using the hashtag #AskELJames to ask pointed questions about her lack of writing skill, the misogynistic and sexually unhealthy themes in

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bloomfield knoble’s ‘We Care’ Initiative Is Designed To Make A Difference

Each year bloomfield knoble (bk) gives generously to various environmental and community organizations on a local and national level through its “We Care” program. The agency is proud to announce that its annual donations for 2015 have been made. “Now the real work begins,” says agency partner Eric Hirschhorn. “We set a year-long calendar of

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