
Unleashing the Power of Photo Artificial Intelligence

With the growing popularity of advanced artificial intelligence (AI), you’d be hard-pressed to find a process that can’t be automated. These automated technologies can write for us, chat with us, bank for us, and even drive us around. So, why can’t they also assist us in creative processes? In the ever-evolving marketing and advertising landscape, […]

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Daily design inspiration is easier than you think with Panda 5

Check out this content aggregator for design inspiration and creative industry news. One of my absolute favorite internet browser extensions has to be the Panda plug-in. Panda, as it?s known, is a widget that displays design-specific content as the default page when opening a new tab in your browser. The widget is semi-customizable, in which

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Dr. Techlove, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Podcasts

I don’t care who you are, podcasts are pretty dope. You may not have been a listener or even aware of podcasts prior to the pandemic, but chances are now you’re fully aware and even a subscriber to the plethora of podcast choices today. They’ll suck you in faster than an episode of Succession on a sick

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Aim for the Bullseye, then Try Again

Every marketing and advertising campaign needs associated metric goals and reporting. These key performance indicators (KPIs) help you tailor the future of your marketing team [or allocation if you wear multiple hats]. When asked “Is your marketing successful?” 43% of CoSchedule’s surveyed group answered neutral or lower. If almost half are undecisive or unsatisfied, that’s a

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Stimulate Your Creative Process

Before customer data was so readily available and the number of mediums became countless, advertising was simpler. Still a challenge, but simpler. I think of Mad Men, particularly when they come up with the idea for lipsticks in season 1. What we watched was a focus group of their target audience (young women of the

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Your campaign worked… but how do you know which part?

You’ve done the research, the legwork and maybe even some focus studies before your last campaign, and the results were actually strong enough to reach your goals. That’s great! But what made it different from the others that had less success? It can be hard to tell without the right tools or information. What is

Your campaign worked… but how do you know which part? Read More »

True Artificial Intelligence Closer to Reality

I, for one, welcome our new computer overlord. I’ve seen enough movies to know that an Artificial Intelligence will rule the planet some day. While these usually end up going pretty poorly for humans (The Matrix, Terminator), I’m hoping that a pro-AI article (most likely being read by the AI) will allow me a position

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